A unique terroir

From Modena to San Prospero, passing through Sorbara.
It was here, in 1928, that Lambrusco Cavicchioli was born.



Emilia, where Lambrusco
flows and the heart
beats a little faster.

The beating heart
of Emilia.

A small group of houses squeezed into a tiny plot of land between the Secchia and Panaro rivers, rows of vines and narrow unpaved roads. Not far from the Cathedral of San Geminiano and a few kilometres from Modena. This is where one of the products that has become the pride of a pulsating land was born: Lambrusco Cavicchioli.

A small group of houses squeezed into a tiny plot of land between the Secchia and Panaro rivers, rows of vines and narrow unpaved roads. Not far from the Cathedral of San Geminiano and a few kilometres from Modena. This is where one of the products that has become the pride of a pulsating land was born: Lambrusco Cavicchioli.


It all began in San Prospero, in the Sorbara area, where vineyards surrounded the house that later became a winery. It is here, in this DOC area, that Cavicchioli wines have been produced and bottled for almost a hundred years. A constantly evolving business with a single objective: to produce high quality Lambrusco, combining innovation and experimentation of new techniques with the old-fashioned way of making wine, always with a look to the future.

It all began in San Prospero, in the Sorbara area, where vineyards surrounded the house that later became a winery. It is here, in this DOC area, that Cavicchioli wines have been produced and bottled for almost a hundred years. A constantly evolving business with a single objective: to produce high quality Lambrusco, combining innovation and experimentation of new techniques with the old-fashioned way of making wine, always with a look to the future.