A simple philosophy

A genuine soul, a strong character, an eye on the future.
Lambrusco Cavicchioli is the reflection of a unique land: Emilia.



From the oldest traditions
of Emilia comes a wine
with countless evolutions.


“Philosophy”, the set of principles, ideas and beliefs on which people base their conception of life. Cantine Cavicchioli’s philosophy is simple. It can be told in a few words that also tell the story of our Lambrusco: liveliness, passion, commitment, pride, care for the things that are worthwhile. These are the ingredients of our all-Emilia recipe. Because it is precisely in the province of Modena, between Sorbara and San Prospero, that our grapes are turned

into wine.

“Philosophy”, the set of principles, ideas and beliefs on which people base their conception of life. Cantine Cavicchioli’s philosophy is simple. It can be told in a few words that also tell the story of our Lambrusco: liveliness, passion, commitment, pride, care for the things that are worthwhile. These are the ingredients of our all-Emilia recipe. Because it is precisely in the province of Modena, between Sorbara and San Prospero, that our grapes are turned into wine.


A modern wine yet with a traditional and authentic character. Sophisticated yet exuberant. Light and suitable for many occasions, it pairs perfectly with traditional cuisine, but is also surprising with international haute cuisine. So versatile that it is not just red, but, depending on the varietal, takes on different shades, from soft to dark, from dusty pink to ruby red. Versatile, agile and open to its endless evolutions. Easy to love thanks to its many

facets of freshness and liveliness.

A modern wine yet with a traditional and authentic character. Sophisticated yet exuberant. Light and suitable for many occasions, it pairs perfectly with traditional cuisine, but is also surprising with international haute cuisine. So versatile that it is not just red, but, depending on the varietal, takes on different shades, from soft to dark, from dusty pink to ruby red. Versatile, agile and open to its endless evolutions. Easy to love thanks to its many facets of freshness and liveliness.